Help Center

What is Same-Day & Next-Day Delivery?

Certain items online are eligible for Same-Day or Next-Day Delivery. Here are the ways you can take advantage of these shipping options:

  • Look for items with the Same-Day or Next-Day Delivery icon and add them to your Shopping Bag
  • Once you're in Checkout, select the Same-Day or Next-Day Delivery option
  • Check that your delivery address and phone number are accurate to ensure timely delivery of your order
  • You have 15 minutes to change or cancel your Same-Day or Next-Day Delivery Order after it's placed.
  • To request changes, contact Customer Service at 800-289-6229

Note: Your order is coming from a store and will be delivered in a Macy's shopping bag.

Items That Are Eligible for Same-Day & Next-Day Delivery
Shipping Fees for Same-Day & Next-Day Delivery
When Your Same-Day or Next-Day Delivery Order Will Arrive
What is DoorDash®?

Macy's partners with DoorDash® to offer you same-day delivery on your purchases. The service is powered by Drive, DoorDash's white-label fulfillment platform, to support fast, local delivery from Macy's site and mobile app.

Once your order is confirmed, Macy's uses DoorDash's Drive platform to arrange for pickup and delivery of your order between 1PM-4PM (local time).

View updates on your Macy's delivery powered by DoorDash® Click here.

Note: At this time, orders cannot be tracked using the DoorDash app.